BonCode offers Vopak insight into the quality of their Outsystems applications

by | Jan 15, 2019

B O N C O D E   C A S E

After a successful Proof of Concept, Vopak has selected BonCode to provide them with metrics that provide insight into the quality of the developed OutSystems applications.

Leo Brand (CIO of Vopak) states: “The applications developed in OutSystems are the foundation of our mission-critical systems. Independent transparency about the quality and maintainability of the developed systems is therefore essential for our success. The BonCode metrics provide us with the desired transparency and enable us to manage our development process based on facts”.

More companies are opting for Outsystems

More and more companies are opting for OutSystems as a platform to develop their strategic applications. After all, the platform has a short time-to-market, improved user experience and low initial investment in licenses. “Customers indicate that they need insight into the return of their development teams and the future-proofness of the applications developed with OutSystems. Manual code checks do not cover that need and are also labor-intensive. Customers want fact-based information and insight in the corresponding trends at all stages of a development process. We are proud to be working for an innovative company like Vopak, “says Harm Garvelink, Director of Sales and Business Development at Boncode.

Consultation with partners, customers and Outsystems itself

Boncode, a specialist in measuring and optimizing software quality, developed the tooling tailored specifically to the OutSystems platform in consultation with partners, customers and OutSystems itself.

The tooling provides insight into the quality of OutSystems environments via a dashboard. The tooling measures relevant aspects such as volume, duplication, cyclomatic references and complexity and analyzes to what extent developers adhere to the best practices of OutSystems itself. Architectural principles play an import role in this. The tooling also enables customers to link directly to the Service Studio environment in order to optimize. Already hundreds of applications have been measured by the Boncode tooling.

About Boncode

Boncode, a Dutch IT company, specializes in measuring, visualizing and optimizing technical software quality. Our fact-based analysis and recommendations contribute to a better business for our customers. Boncode is located in The Hague Tech.

For more information about this press release please contact Harm Garvelink at +31 6 45222477

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