BonCode – What We Do And Why It Matters

by | Aug 1, 2023

B O N C O D E   B L O G

These days, established businesses in almost every industry – from finance to logistics – have become tech companies. From subscription services to ecommerce apps, software is now a feature of most companies’ lineup alongside existing products and services. 

Software has become a valuable corporate asset. Yet in many cases, it’s still not subjected to the same level of Quality Assurance (QA) as physical assets. It’s often not until something significant goes wrong that closer attention is paid to software quality.     

What we do

We help you build better software by providing an impartial, independent health check on your code – no matter which programming languages your development team uses. At BonCode, we’re experienced specialists in coding quality, going above and beyond routine Quality Assurance (QA).

In fact, whether you’re outsourcing development, hiring offshore developers, or handling development in-house, we can help you gain actionable insights into the quality of your software at every level of your organization. We help you close the loop on software quality between three key audiences:

  1. Corporate leaders
  2. Software managers 
  3. Software developers 

Our solutions not only enable software managers to assess and monitor the quality of their products, they also present the data in formats that are meaningful at board level. In fact, it’s our mission to put software quality on the C-suite agenda. Here’s why. 

Why it matters

Traditional companies are evolving into tech companies. They’re experts in their field, but they’re not always tech specialists. In fact, there’s a good chance their C-suite lacks technical expertise in software development. That means software quality is either an unknown quantity or not seen as a business priority.

Now imagine physical assets being treated like that. Consider marketing a vehicle, or building an oil pipeline, without insisting on rigorous quality checks. The quality of your software has multiple impacts on your business:

  • Customer satisfaction: High-quality software functions as expected, increasing customer satisfaction, and building brand loyalty and reputation.
  • Competitive advantage: Companies that consistently deliver high-quality software differentiate themselves from others with unreliable products. 
  • Cost savings: High-quality software is less prone to errors, reducing the need for costly bug fixes, customer support, and rework. 
  • Security: Robust software minimizes the risk of security breaches, data loss, or system failures, events that result in significant financial and reputational damage.
  • Brand reputation: Software quality impacts the reputation and trustworthiness of a brand. Delivering high-quality software builds a positive brand image.

How it works

We give you honest, data-driven insights based on neutrality, objectivity, and independence. We do this through two core services:

  • Software Assessment: Using automated code review technology, we gather insights into the quality of your software, reporting our findings and recommendations to your team.
  • Software Monitoring: We continuously monitor your software quality over time, sharing facts and insights with various roles inside your organization. This yields actionable insights at every level.

At BonCode, our goal is to provide you with all the insights you need to ensure you develop quality software. We gather, visualize, and communicate metrics on your software to make it easily understood from your software development team through to the C-suite.

Think of us as a fully comprehensive health check for your software, helping you mitigate costly failures, or alternatively providing external validation that your software product is in excellent health. 

Discover how to build better quality software with BonCode. Contact us

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