3 Reasons Why Independence Is Important In Software Assessments

by | Nov 28, 2023

B O N C O D E   B L O G

Software quality is not an easy thing to manage. People involved with managing and developing software naturally have their own perspectives. That can make it hard to find common ground. Some companies decide their own metrics, and others put responsibility for quality testing in the hands of outside developers. 

The challenge for software managers is how to ensure software assessment is objective, neutral, and beneficial for the business. What’s needed is independent software assessment. Here are three reasons why.

1 Find common ground for managing software quality 

Fact-based insights from an independent expert provide common ground for 

discussions and decision-making around software maintenance and improvement. Visualized on a dashboard, it’s much easier to spot trends and track risk profiles over time. 

The trouble with generating data on software quality internally is that it carries a real and inherent risk of unintended bias. Bringing in an objective view from outside your organization – especially when your development is outsourced to more than one team –  provides impartiality you can trust, and facilitates consistency in quality standards. 

2 Make strategic choices about quality at a company level

Insights into software quality aren’t just for engineers. Far from it. In fact, software quality touches the entire organization. To manage the risk of business critical software assets, companies need an overview of tech stacks, teams, and vendors. 

For Product Owners and Information Architects, independent software assessment helps ensure that engineers are sticking to the script on what technologies to use, and which parts of the codebase can be reused. This helps manage and mitigate risks, such as engineers introducing new technology, blocks of AI-generated code or even copyrighted code, which can unintentionally expose vulnerabilities.

3 Audit the books of your software systems

When a company’s books are audited by a professional accounting and finance firm, it provides validation that everything is in order. It’s the same with independent software assessment. 

Think about it. If your organization is spending large amounts of euros on business-critical software, that software needs to be robust and reliable. Downtime can have a significant impact on business continuity, impacting the products and services you offer to customers or clients. 

An independent software assessment is a powerful way to validate quality, as well as highlight areas of concern. The data and insights it produces help to tell the wider story of your software’s security and vulnerabilities, providing prioritized and recommended actions to take. 

To discover the benefits of an independent software assessment from BonCode. Book a demo

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