Solmate confidently takes over Interstaff after objective code review

by | Sep 24, 2020

B O N C O D E   A R T I C L E

In the summer of 2020, Solmate took over software developer Interstaff. Prior to the takeover, Solmate wanted assurance that Interstaff’s code and processes met the relevant requirements. A thorough, independent code review by the quality consultants from BonCode provided certainty, reassurance and focus.

Based in Den Bosch (NL), Solmate specializes in optimizing the financial processes and results of medium to large organizations. In recent years, the company has grown to become the largest expertise center in the Netherlands with regard to Unit4 Financials (previously CODA).

In the summer of 2020, Solmate announced that it would start offering software in addition to services. Earlier the company had taken over Interstaff, the developer of Crescendo. “Crescendo enables users of Unit4 Financials to automate numerous common tasks. Virtually all our clients use Crescendo to automatically read, process, and reconcile bank statements”, says Harry Nap, Managing Director of Solmate.


Adding Interstaff and Crescendo to the Solmate family felt like a logical and sensible step. “We have known the application for twenty years and we have in-house experts who are specialized in this solution.”

Although the experts at Solmate knew the existing software inside out, they were not yet acquainted with the new solution Interstaff was working on: a web-based version of Crescendo. Nap: “In the future, all you will need to access this solution is a web browser and an internet connection. But a web-based solution differs significantly from a client-server application. During the run-up to the takeover we wanted to make sure that the new code was of good quality and that the platform architecture was in order. Also, we wanted to know whether they were following the right testing procedures and whether the documentation was complete.”


Nap decided to bring in BonCode for this technical part of the due diligence process. “I have worked with BonCode in the past. They are truly seasoned experts in the field who have seen it all. Their passion and independence greatly appealed to me, as well as their eye for detail. They are true powerhouses in their field.”

“BonCode enabled us to take a focused approach.”

Harry Nap, Managing Director of Solmate

The technical due diligence process took six weeks to complete. Firstly, BonCode’s quality consultants met with Harry Nap and one of his colleagues at Solmate in order to get a clear view of the needs and requirements. “Then, they had extensive discussions with the personnel at Interstaff. Afterwards, BonCode received the source code, which they thoroughly analyzed using their own tools.”

BonCode did not share the results of their analysis directly with the client, but first presented them to the developers. “They work in a very open and transparent way. BonCode gave the developers ample opportunity to respond to the findings. Only then did they give their final recommendation, using a very practical, concise PowerPoint presentation that gave us everything we needed to get started immediately.”

“We know exactly what we purchased and what points still need to be addressed.”

Harry Nap, Managing Director of Solmate


BonCode’s independent findings gave Nap and his colleagues the assurance and insights they needed. “The architecture of the new platform was good but there was room for improvement in testing and in several organizational matters. In addition, BonCode provided some useful suggestions for the setup of the interface.”

All these areas for improvement were immediately addressed after the takeover. Nap: “The developers, for example, used to perform support and consultancy tasks in addition to their development work. BonCode enabled us to introduce more focus. By incorporating user support into our own helpdesk, the development team can now devote itself fully to building and enhancing the software.”

Besides helping us focus on the right matters and giving us certainty about the code quality, the process has brought us reassurance. “We know exactly what we purchased and what still needs to be addressed. And that is a very comfortable feeling.”

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