
Facts to control the future value of your software

Independent insights

We strongly believe that creating future-proof software is seeded in a focus on maintainability. By measuring the maintainability of your software, we give you objective insight in quality issues and future risks before they escalate.

Our findings are fully independent, evidence-based and optimized for the various roles in your organization.

Two approaches

Software Assessment

Using automated code review technology we gather facts & insights about the quality of your software and communicate our findings and recommendations to your team.

Software Monitoring

We monitor your software quality continuously over time, sharing facts and insights with the various roles inside your organisation. This will help you increase awareness and prioritize work based on evidence rather than assumptions.

For IT/Product Managers

Gain control and deliver stable releases that satisfy your customer’s needs by making choices based on evidence rather than assumptions.

For developers

Structurally ramp up the output and quality of their work in a proactive instead of reactive way.

For board members

Tackle low productivity, high costs, unhappy customers or brand damage as the consequence of software issues.

For investors

Assess the risk of your investment by conducting a software due diligence audit on your potential investment.

Software facts for everyone

Where other solutions are often aimed at developers only, we have created a managed service that delivers actionable insights to all layers of your organisation. From dev team and middle management, all the way up to your board and investors.

The awareness created by our team and solution triggers a positive chain reaction of constructive discussions throughout all layers of your organisation.

Action is what matters

Suboptimal software quality is usually the result of the same three things: no time, no resources or other priorities.

So instead of pointing out why it goes wrong, we help you to pick up the positive cycle again. We do this by providing you with concrete advice about quick wins and structural improvements for the future. Moreover, we demonstrate which effect your changes have over time.

How we measure your software quality

Our home-grown platform called BonCat forms the beating heart of our service. It provides you with a standardized quality rating to monitor your software in a technology-agnostic way, independent of its platform or programming language.

Executives can use our portal to review trends and find concrete advise about priorities, while developers can use it to investigate bottlenecks or find quick wins to improve their code.

Let's discuss quality and productivity!